So here it is, haven't had a chance to daily update this, much apologies. Its Monday, back to the grind and already looking forward to the weekend. Summery since last post
Ruined my jeans due to waxing...So stupid, the cold weather dried the bees wax to quickly (just as I thought it would) making it not soak into the denim and have that nice shiny coat. So I went over with a heat gun making it look better but still has been more than a week and smells like WHOA, Soaked it a little bit after drying to take the smell away (NOT A GOOD IDEA) wax started pealing off and flaking. Pretty much pissed me off and there still in a heap outside.
Sat-went out in service, napped, cleaned, upkeep on the house, took the little one for a walk-Dinner at a friends house, games Nothin to exciting just your daily random whatvers.
Sun-Meeting, Grocery Shopping, talked to a few friends on the phone for a few, catch up, stories, future plans
In my Future-wedding in Vancouver BC this Friday, also gonna hook up with Josh and Brit my wife's BFF. Haven't seen them since the wedding so it should be good times.