Thursday, November 20, 2008

Something In The AIR

I'm not sure if its the music, the drinks, the season, or the up coming events. Today I've had non stop Déjà vu. It brings me back to last season at Big Bear, Ca. Started the season out OK, things were going good and then my buddy Dustin V and me went snowboarding together. It was a whole new perception on the season and outlook on life at that time. Then it spread like wild fire, my other buddy Dustin O then got even more stoked and it was just so much fun riding in the small crew. With Ming & Ping blaring in the Tacoma, Taco Bell, Rumplemintz, The Block™, Sleeping on hotel floors and late nights driving life was good and all about living in the moment for me. Late nights that I shouldn't have drove to gallery to hang out, stumbles back from the Shanty. Being will all my friends that had such a impact on my life, I cant really explain it. I hope when they read this they remember how fun life can be. I'm not sure what brought this on either, I think its something in the air. Everyone around is so serious with things goin on this world, it doesn't stress me out either, just makes me wanna chill even more; "Cali chill" as someone used to say...

1 comment:

lilvanceypants said...

LUCAS I miss you and Rozzie!! I am gonnna try and come out in Feb. see you in december