Saturday, October 18, 2008

Chuckanut Brewery

After crawling into bed around 3am from the previous night Roz and I woke up around 8am and went out in service, I ended up quiting around 1130 and stayed and the hall for another hour or so and sorted out the lit. counter, new shipments coming in. Went back to the palace and napped it up for a hour or to and then met up with some friends at the Chuckanut Brewery. I highly suggest there "Dunkel", a nice wheaty dark amber that gives off a stouter taste then it really is, with hints of cherry and chocolate it pares nicely with any appetizer of your choice. Then went over to Beau and Brie's for some more cocktails and Cranium. The battle of the sexes began! I hate to say it but I was scared for a second, but I didn't loose faith. The dudes came out on top...

In other news, picked up 2lbs of Bees Wax from the local market depot that will soon stop due to the weather but I've had some difficulty tracking my items down for my waxing projects. stay tuned...

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